Pawtucket Dam

The Pawtucket Dam

“We believe that the proposed alterations of the crest gate design would substantially change the historical appearance and functionality of this National Historic Landmark, the highest designation given to an historic resource in the United States. It is our understanding that the installation of the crest gate involves covering the top of the dam with a large concrete cap under the inflatable system, which itself would consist of giant inflatable bags, concrete piers above the dam at its angles, conduit for piping, and large metal gates running along the top of the dam to control water flow. From the drawing that has been provided, it is evident that this would have an adverse impact on the Pawtucket Dam.”

From the Lowell National Historical Park’s March 20, 2009 letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commision.

On this page, the Lowell Heritage Partnership hosts an archive of letters and documents related to the Pawtucket Dam Issue.